
Was ist Supplied Synergetics?

Self-healing with inner images

If you want to describe profiling as an analysis of the cause of suffering, then synergetics represents the therapy for this suffering. When the causes of the patterns are resolved, the symptoms also disappear. The psyche and body then no longer need to use symptoms to indicate unresolved conflicts or losses.

Field of work

The field of applied synergetics situated in the plane of the brain processes information. Injured or inhibit development ideas can be solved. Since you can not turn back time to the origin of the injury, the injury to make undone, we work in the show with “as-if actions.” For this we need to know that representations in the brain via the same pathways as physical actions run. What that means is that with internal virtual acts almost the same results as with outer concrete actions. The brain and placebo research has found that in recent years. Applied Synergetics makes it the Neuverknüpfungen the brain cells themselves organizationally, done so on their own evolutionary direction. The therapist therefore no substantive provisions, but only the process, it suggests – it’s evolutionary.

The aim of a session is to resolve outdated or hurtful experiences that are still effective in the brain as experience patterns. Accumulated or blocking aggression can be released very effectively with a flexible baton. This “live” dialogue with the remembered and at the same time current perception in a session will enable the brain to perceive things more realistically. With repeated inner world dialogues, perception can also stabilize organically in the long term. This guided dialogue with your own inner world opens up your talents and potential or leads you out of a negative area.

Inner perception

Inner perception consists of the perception of the past (memory) and the perception of the current present. Both perceptions often blur into one another because they run along the same nerve pathways in the brain. The older we get, the more “memory” overshadows real experience. However, since inner “perception” is the basis of our perception, there is a risk that we do not react to the present in a realistic way. We become victims of our own misperceptions and misjudgments as a result of outdated information. These usually stem from previous injuries from childhood. The result is acute or chronic problems in the areas of work, relationships or health.

Innere Bilder – Synergetik Molnar

Applied synergetics uses the gap in perception processing. Blocking or hurtful memories are connected as inner voices, inner figures or inner images during the synergetic dialogue in a session. As a concrete result of this inner world work, the background of conflicts and blockages becomes visible to the client.

Self-organization – The scientific background:


The physicist and mathematician Professor Dr. Dr. hc. mult. Hermann Haken founded the theory of synergetics as “the interaction of the forces of all living things”. He was able to mathematically calculate the principle of self-organization using laser light and was already nominated for the Nobel Prize for this.

Prof. Haken sees synergetics as the key to understanding the way the brain perceives. I also research perception processes as the human inner world using APPLIED SYNERGETICS. I work with the memories and ideas stored organically in the brain. They are the potential for inner self-renewal and personality development.

Why can everyone benefit from Synergetics?

Stagnation has many faces: Inner world journeys – the driving license for a self-determined life.

Areas of application

Farewell, anxiety disorders, aggression, adjustment disorders, charisma

Professional practice: job interviews, appraisal interviews, conflicts with superiors, negotiation, tax returns

Career choice/insecurity

Lack of relationships/conflicts

Jealousy, loneliness – creeping isolation, developing my potential, talents, lack of success/success, parenting/problems, eating disorders

Fear of flying

Money worries, experiences of violence, “Help, I feel right-wing radical!”

Claustrophobia, crisis management – acute and long-term, grief

Life confession, life advice, learning disorders, lovesickness, LOL2A principle: Application

Melancholy, mental training, bullying

Orientation aid, organ donation

Personality disorders, exam anxiety

Smoking cessation

Sleep disorders, sexuality, sexual violence/perpetrators – victims, somatoform disorders, worries, Ghost phenomena, end-of-life care, stress, addictions (workaholic and more)



Trauma/ta, dream interpretation, sadness, perpetrator-victim, we work with the victims, we work with the perpetrators

Transitional situations such as pregnancy, marriage, divorce, death, moving, accidents/frequency of accidents

Underweight and overweight

Dealing with the past

Fidgeting Philip syndrome (with Ritalin), obsessive compulsive disorders, development of my future self



How is it possible that a method can be used for both psychosomatic and mental illnesses? Here is a brief explanation: Synergetics works on the subtle, psychological level, but is so powerful that its effect can penetrate down to the gross, physical level.

How much does it cost?


Progress dynamics:

Acute: 1 to 5 sessions for a specific reason.
Compact: 1 to 10 weeks, 1 to max. 4 sessions per week.
To consolidate: approx. 12 months, 1 session per month.
Lifelong: depending on the reason, but at least one session every six months to check and as a preventative measure.

Session prices:

• Synergetics session: 190 euros
• Profiling session: 220 euros

Children pay half. Prices for companies by arrangement.

By arrangement, private patients can submit the invoice to their insurance company.

A cassette recording of the session supports follow-up work at home. In a preliminary discussion, you and I can get an idea of ​​your concern. The subsequent session is accompanied by music. This is followed by a follow-up discussion about the events in your inner world. If you wish, the session can be recorded on a cassette, which supports your follow-up work at home.
• A session lasts up to 2 hours.
• A discount can be granted for blocks (prepayment).

IMPORTANT: If you cancel within 24 hours, a cancellation fee of 50% of the session fee will be charged.

If you do not attend the appointment, the full session fee will be charged. The prices are intended as a financial contribution to research into the brain’s perceptual performance and its impact on the reality of the outside world.