Synergetics – The Crispr/Cas
Profiling & Synergetics – the gene scissors of psychotherapy 3.0
What gene scissors (CISPR Cas9) are for genome editing, profiling & synergetics are for the human inner world (psyche).
The molecular biology technique of CRISPR Cas9 involves first finding unwanted genes in the human genome using CRISPR and then deactivating them using gene scissors (Cas9). One of its areas of application is seen in anxiety therapy, for example, where the mechanisms of action of the amygdala and the hippocampus are being researched. When experiencing fear, both oscillate at 7Hz (theta rhythm).
However, the Cas9 gene scissors caused unexpected changes in unforeseen and undesirable places in the human genome. This is understandable, as a person’s genetic makeup, such as hair color, is not distributed across a single gene, but across over a hundred genes. An intervention in just one place therefore results in changes in other places and in several places at once. Since the diverse relationships between the gene segments have not yet been researched, the current use of Crispr Cas9 is like a memory game in which not only two cards (the first as a reference value) have to be revealed, but over 100 cards with the same motif have to be revealed.
There are other articles on the disadvantages of Crispr/Cas9 on the Internet. Unfortunately, the article in the SZ, which reported on “unforeseen genetic changes” between the end of May and the beginning of June 2019, can no longer be found in the archive.
When using gene scissors, the users therefore risk undesirable genetic changes that the individual must endure for the rest of his or her life. This can be described as an open field experiment in which the participants do not know that they are taking part. Instead of being clear about the relationships between genes in advance – which is almost impossible – research is carried out retrospectively, when the damage has already been done and the patient is showing side effects, to find out what is connected to what.
Fear regulation can also be carried out effectively via the prefrontal cortex of our brain. Our mind, our feelings, our intellect and our experiences are also involved, which oscillate in the frequency range of 35 Hz – 0 Hz, i.e. also in the 7.0 Hz spectrum of the amygdala and the hippocampus.
As Cripsr, we use profiling for this purpose with no side effects and in a targeted manner. It comes from the criminal investigation of the perpetrator. Every perpetrator leaves traces at the crime scene. Such traces of loss, suffering, unresolved conflicts and even violence can be found as “patterns” in the human brain. Read on under “Profiling”.
In the subsequent synergetics session, the unwanted pattern is removed from the brain metabolism – our psyche – just like with the Cas9 gene scissors. To do this, we use a method that is similarly radical to that of the gene scissors, the “synergistic hitting” on the floor. This non-invasive therapy of our brain metabolism stands for self-healing without side effects – as healing of our self. Read on under “Synergetics”.
I have described the entire approach to self-healing in my book: „… auch Zaubern ist erlaubt“, Selbst-Heilung mit Inneren Bildern“ (“… magic is also allowed”, Self-healing with inner images”).