About me

Brigitte Molnar (HPPsych)

  • Born in Waiblingen/Neckar
  • General university entrance qualification
  • Studied political science, sociology and sports at the LMU and TU Munich for teaching at the secondary school
  • High school teacher in Munich since 1980

1984 birth of my son Richard, 1997 birth of my daughter Viktoria.

At the same time, from 1986 to 1991, I intensively examined my dreams in a depth psychological analysis according to C. G. Jung. In 1993, a series of regressions followed in the USA (Santa Fe) and at the same time meditation training in the Theravada tradition (Aya Kema). 1995 experience with Qi Gong in China (Beijing).

Since 1981, the background was the intensive preoccupation with the question of the conditions of mental and spiritual health. After 14 years of practical and theoretical study of Buddhism, this seemed to me to have been essentially answered.

Then I turned to the conditions of physical health as an expression of psychological well-being. In 1995 and 1996, I took a training course in silent Qi Gong in Munich (Master Zhi-Chang Li from Beijing), where I was able to have my first experiences with self-induced, body-own energy fields.

Then in 1998 I trained as a medical product consultant for energy medicine systems (magnetic field therapy). From 2002-2003 I worked as a manager for an international sales company.

In 1999 I first came into contact with Bernd Joschko/physics engineer and his Synergetics Institute in Rossbach/Giessen. In 2000 I completed my basic training and at the end of 2001 I completed my professional training as a Synergetics therapist. At the end of 2003 I acquired my practice license and graduated in synergetic profiling. From 2003 to 2010 I ran the private INSTITUTE for PROFILING & SYNERGETICS in Munich-Schwabing.

In mid-2008 I successfully passed my final examination to become a natural health practitioner for psychotherapy.

After several trips to India I turned to researching the wisdom of the Vedas in Hinduism.