How do I get my life in order – Part 1
Hello, today the question is, how do I get my life in order? I can also phrase the sentence negatively, by asking why do I keep falling in love with the wrong man or woman. I can also ask why do I always argue with my boss, why can’t I find the right job for […]
… do magic together – spread the word …
Dear friends of “Talking Medicine”, Synergetics and Psychobionics, now that the first batch of my self-published book “… magic is also allowed – self-healing with inner images – a contribution to healing the inner family” has been sold, I would like to continue to contribute to the spread of this method and get even more […]
Interview by Brigitte Molnar with woman about her recently published book “… even magic is allowed”
What do you write in your book “… magic is also allowed”? Molnar (M): I encourage people to become aware of their own powers and to use them courageously. w: What is the book about? M: It is about a method of introspection that enables us to get to the bottom of ourselves, to discover […]
The negative consequences of not perceiving our children
Most people consider their separation from the world to be normal. In order to be noticed, the question of how to distinguish themselves from other people is therefore of paramount importance. This omnipresent and unconscious compulsion to distinguish is the driving force behind the Western consumer goods industry, which is now almost exclusively motivated by […]
Symmetry breaking in applied synergetics
In order to encourage a pattern shift in an uncertain session situation, I can offer my client a projection surface. Then I give her the tip to let a messenger appear who should give her a hint. To support the imagination, I play the sound of footsteps. The messenger, who comes acoustically from “outside”, usually […]
Bionics in Applied Synergetics
Bionics aims to make nature’s engineering skills, which are several million years old, usable for humans. In this sense, we humans – as part of nature – can also use applied synergetics to make nature’s secrets of success usable for ourselves. The Velcro fastener on our anorak goes back to the burdock plant. Prof. Dr. […]
Childhood in care and applied synergetics
I have described the background, effects and approach of applied synergetics using my client Antonia, a former child in care, and my other clients. Their suffering has always touched me deeply, and the lack of healing in certain parts of the health system has outraged me. In the course of my therapeutic work, I have […]
Applied synergetics connects external and internal perception
Only when – to use a more technical expression – the “contact boards” that connect internal and external perception are cleaned and working properly again, can something third, new and healing emerge. Because: “… what is still purely external is as little real as what is purely internal,” as the great poet Heimito von Doderer […]
We are the co-creators of reality
When we begin to understand that we are the co-creators of external reality, we can begin to pay attention and love to our feelings. Nothing works without feelings. In addition to the placebo effect of one’s own imagination, applied synergetics also uses the power of feelings. In my opinion, these also play an important, if […]
Healing self-organization through inner action
There is a very simple formula through which the brain metabolism of our thinking and feeling is created: through the use of all senses, motor movement and through thinking and feeling when we act internally and externally. This is how the brain’s metabolism organizes itself, it is constantly stimulated and can be changed again through […]