… do magic together – spread the word …

Dear friends of “Talking Medicine”, Synergetics and Psychobionics,

now that the first batch of my self-published book “… magic is also allowed – self-healing with inner images – a contribution to healing the inner family” has been sold, I would like to continue to contribute to the spread of this method and get even more books out to people.

I specifically addressed the rampant violence in the summer of 2016 in Würzburg and Munich and other places in Germany in the book under the keyword “Sleepers” at the time (2014). In general, it is about the question of how our invisible inner world works and how we can deal with injuries/losses and aggression.

After growing up in a family where the father often threatened to get the axe out of the basement and also knows how to deal with violence suffered, I am ready to give readings by authors in German-speaking countries from September – October 2016. You probably know someone in your town who knows a location and people who are interested in how they can live peacefully and successfully with themselves and their neighbors.

I am looking forward to inspiring help, especially from the psychobionics and applied synergetics community, but I am also happy to accept support from other networks to spread the word about this peace work.

I look forward to receiving messages at: bm@synergetik-molnar.de or by phone at:

+49 89 / 307 19 39 (AB)
+49 179 / 66 70 621
I will then call you back.
The publisher will cover the costs.

Brigitte Molnar/author from Munich