Is Synergetics superior to Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is about learning to control your own brain activity to increase concentration and memory. Social and motor behavior can also be calmed or stimulated. To do this, the monitor that the client is looking at is divided into two halves using a horizontal line. The client can use his brain activity to control a symbol (triangle) above or below the horizontal line and thereby stimulate or calm himself down and follow this in real time on the monitor. Excellent results have been achieved for ADHD, so that Ritalin administration could be completely avoided.

(SZ from September 15, 2014 “Think of You” by E. Roll)

With Synergetics, on the other hand, the client can follow the self-organized control of his brain activity based on his inner images. This is made possible in a session by recalling, reliving and rearranging stressful situations from the past such as losses, unresolved conflicts and lack of care in childhood. The advantage of Synergetics is that it goes beyond neurofeedback because it connects the client with his or her self and thus provides long-term orientation and meaning in life.